Living in a Field of Hats

some ramblings and reflections on working with students in Herts and Beds.

God’s Good Gifts – 17th June 2012 June 17, 2012

Filed under: God's Good Gifts — Sarah @ 8:23 pm
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We’re back with the list this week…

1) Seeing God at work – I’ve been away at the final Relay training conference this week, where all of the Relay workers do a 3 minute presentation summing up their year. It was such a privilege to hear snippets of people’s experiences of God’s goodness over the last ten months. So many of them were able to clearly testify to God’s goodness when things were tough, and of the ways in which God has been changing them into the likeness of His Son over the last year.

2) Church Family – this evening my church family spend a chunk of time specifically praying for me and the summer team I’m leading. I’m feeling so many stresses and worries about the trip, so to be surrounded with people who love me, praying for and with me, upholding me is a real joy and a real reminder that church really is family.

3) A Heavenly Father – I’m so thankful today especially, that I have a caring, loving Heavenly Father who loves me so much he sent Jesus to take my punishment so I could be in a relationship with him. That’s nothing like my experience of earthly fatherhood, but it is my experience of my Father God.


Living on a prayer December 2, 2009

Filed under: Christian Life — Sarah @ 4:03 pm
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So last night I was driving to Ferndales prayer meeting (which took a record 20 minutes! the joy of living next door to a football ground!) and Bon Jovi’s “Living on a Prayer” came on the radio.

The last time I remember listening to this song (because I’m sure I’ve listened to it hundreds of times in between!) was driving back from a Relay Training Day in Manchester. It was memorable because it was about five months into relay and therefore halfway through! But, also one of the things that Relay really taught me was to rely on God for everything . . . literally “living on a prayer”!

It was slightly bizarre, but great to be reminded of this in a secular song that really isn’t about relying on the amazing God of the universe for all things!


A lovely weekend October 15, 2008

Filed under: Christian Life,Update — Sarah @ 10:37 am
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The last few days have been great. I’ve seen some old friends, been a tourist and realised just how much I feel like I am part of the family at Ferndale.

Spent Friday evening and Saturday in London/Croydon with some ex Relay 07/08ers and staying with the lovely Mr and Mrs Wren. It was so nice to just chill out. The encouragement of old friends is amazing. Knowing that they already know you and your faults and they are still happy to have to lounging on their sofa and not really saying much (companiable silence that is!) watching Saturday kitchen and laughing at builders unexpectedly turning up!

And being a tourist in central London was great, although I think I managed to embarass Sarah quite a lot byt being very over excited about everything – even the fact that there was a McDonald’s in Trafalgar Sq – well nearly – and yes I know I’m a geek!! I’ve taken loads of photos which I will add to this post at some point. It was so much fun and I now have an Oyster card for the tube which probably makes me more of a Southerner than I’d like to admit! And strangely, I felt more like ‘me’ in London, than I’ve felt like ‘me’ in quite a few months.

Sarah and me in St James' Park

Sarah and me in St James

This all probably led to coming back on sunday feeling happier and more ready to get stuck in – a good thing as it was a busy day! Harvest service, Sarah’s Baptism (see the Ferndale News link for the video – you can spot me in the bright orange t shirt!) & Harvest Lunch! Amazing! And I looked around at one point on sunday morning and just realised that the people around me were friends, not people I was trying to get to know (though obviously there are some people that I don’t know as well as others) but on the whole, friends. I also realised that I’m nearly at the two month mark – scary! but that when I was on Relay in took me about 2 months to feel settled, and I’m starting to feel settled here so wherever I move in the future I shouldn’t expect to feel settled for at least 2 months!

Monday was the almost suprise visit of my old housemate from uni which just added to the general happiness – it was great being able to hang out with her and show her around Southend – pretending that I did kinda know where I was going!

Yesterday I was back in the office, but I went to the YMCA in the morning (where I am going to be working for a day a week) and realised that my degree (Law) and especially my dissertation (Youth Justice Policies and Youth Offending in England and Wales) have actually got a use! yay! I can now see how I can use the seemingly useless knowedge I have! I’m really looking forward to my first full day there next Wednesday.

So, I guess the point of this post is that I’m doing ok. I’m feeling settled, like I belong and I’m getting to know what I’m meant to be doing and when I should be doing it. I still miss the north and people in the north but here now feels that bit more like home and I don’t want to not live here – at least for the time being.


Still coping! August 27, 2008

Filed under: Update — Sarah @ 4:25 pm
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Mr and Mrs Wren

Mr and Mrs Wren

I’m back in Southend after Phil and Sarah’s lovely wedding which was a great chance to catch up with some of the UCCF team from the North West that I’ve not seen in a while. Made me realise that although I’d only known most of these people for a year I’d formed some really deep friendships with them over that time and I’m really grateful for their continuing support, challenge and rebuking when necessary!

I managed not only to navigate crossing London but also ,diverted from the Trainline’s itnerinary to go and visit another girl I know from doing Relay, Rachel, which was great. I saw most the main sights of London from her roof terrace (the Gherkin, the Eye, BT tower and what we think is St Paul’s Cathedral!).

This afternoon moved some books and photos into the office (that seems quite strange that I have an office!) to make it more ‘homey’ which appears to have worked so far and I can now get around without Paddy! Woo! Tomorrow’s challenge is going to be walking to the church with just my trusty A-Z to help me . . .should be interesting!